Bringing live user-generated content to the metaverse: Decentraland Metaverse Music Festival 2022
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about this project

doWow’s interactive billboards showcased Decentraland’s community and partner content, teleporting visitors to the #DCLMVMF22 festival sites to enjoy performances by 150+ artists.


Broadcast event content, allowing attendees to interact with festival's experiences via dozens of virtual screens & enable:

  • Real-time content curation
  • High-quality video display
  • Content interaction & engagement


  • 8M impressions & 6 minutes of average watch time per user

Customizable Web3-ready billboard

For DCLMVMF22, we built fully custom virtual screens in different sizes and shapes. Each hosted interactive content, designed to engage attendees with festival’s content.

Instant content delivery & curation

With our content broadcast infrastructure, we were able to:

  • Display mixed media
  • Moderate content in real-time without redeploying scenes or coding
  • Schedule content to go live
  • Increasing/decreasing certain content cadence

Engagement, interactivity & UGC

Each item on virtual screens can be interacted with, clicked on, or used to teleport attendees to the next performance.

We gathered user-generated content from Twitter and promoted the #DCLMVMF2022 hashtag via an interactive social media campaign.

High-quality multiple video broadcasts

To host thousands of simultaneous users and deliver high-quality content, metaverses require substantial server capacity. Using doWow, a metaverse can broadcast more content with low latency and optimized data strategy, making it possible to:

  • Broadcast video in high quality
  • Stream multiple videos at once
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An independent team supported by Decentraland's DAO maintains this project.
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