Maximizing brand exposure: Generating over 7M impressions for Unilever campaign & MVFW23 content
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about this project

doWow worked with Decentraland Foundation to elevate attendee experience at MVFW23 by providing a way to interact with branded content, wearables, social media.

doWow screens:

  • Teleported attendees
  • Integrated wearables
  • Displayed high-quality ad assets
  • Engaged attendees in a SoMe contests
  • Showcased designer items with custom CTAs
  • Served as a gateway to other metaverse platforms


7M+ impressions, amplified reach for ad campaigns, designer and brand content.

Brand exposure

The creens featured Unilever’s Magnum campaign in the prime event spots. Users could teleport to the official website of the campaign by clicking on the video:

  • With the average watch time of 1:55 minutes for a 90-second video, the amount of views reached 752.500+ views. In comparison, the video on YouTube received 560.000+ views during the same time period.

Real-time customization & curation

  • 15 custom virtual screens, tailored to different content formats with unique CTAs.
  • 1000+ clicks on event content.
  • Curation via real-time content moderation system eliminated the need for scene redeployment or coding.

Interactivity and commerce

The screens hosted content from designers and creators. The custom CTAs led to their stores within Decentraland or external web pages. We integrated the Decentraland marketplace, enabling attendees to browse and purchase MVFW23 wearables.

Cross-metaverse experience

The screens facilitated a connection to the Ozone Metaverse, allowing users to jump into another world.

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An independent team supported by Decentraland's DAO maintains this project.
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