Aeonic Eye of Hidden Wisdom
about this project

The Aeonic (epochal) Eye (portal) of Sapiential (hidden) Occulta (wisdom), an ancient tower, gleams amidst verdant expanses in an unknown cavern near Machu Picchu's ruins. Hidden for centuries, it was discovered by Chrono T, an intrepid gamer/emcee/scientist, during an archaeological expedition.

As Chrono explored the tower's intricate carvings and pulsating lights, his scientific curiosity mixed with dread. The tower's atmosphere was thick with energy, eerily silent except for the soft hum of unknown machinery. Guided by an inexplicable instinct, Chrono felt the structure's superintelligence and ultra-aware consciousness.

When the Aeonic Eye communicated with him, Chrono felt it through every cell in his body, knowing the structure awaited him for millennia. Compelled by a newfound power, Chrono thought of a safe place to continue his investigation. In an instant, the scenery around him blurred into streaks of light and shadow. When his surroundings solidified, he was no longer in the ancient tower amidst the ruins of Machu Picchu. Instead, he found himself within a digital realm, standing on the coordinates (-116, -69) in Genesis City, Decentraland—a virtual world on the Ethereum blockchain. The Aeonic Eye had traveled with him, manifesting as a monument of light and wisdom in this digital landscape.

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An independent team supported by Decentraland's DAO maintains this project.
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